Runtasty is a recipe app developed by the authors of Runtastic, with the aim being to help you cook healthier food and take better care of your body. For this, the app has more than 40 delicious and healthy recipes to complement your daily workouts.
Within the Runtasty app, you can find recipes for everyone: gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, dairy-free, low-carb, etc. All you have to do is use the appropriate tags to quickly find the recipes that meet your dietary preferences (or needs).
Another interesting feature in Runtasty is that it offers seven videos with really intuitive tutorials that can teach you anything from how to cut an onion to how to cook an egg in the oven. And all the videos are high quality.
Runtasty is a cooking app that makes up for its small number of recipes (there are other apps that offer a lot more), with an outstanding design. Plus the quality of the recipes is top-notch.